Friday 9 January 2009

How To Lose Belly Fat With Tips on Determining Portion Control

You can enjoy that special holiday dinner, birthday party, or work picnic where large amounts of food are set out. Furthermore, it is possible to do so without putting on any extra pounds. The following are tips that can help you in your efforts to determine portion control for how to get rid of belly fat:

Save your appetite for foods that you would not normally eat. For example, if you see large amounts of snack chips, crackers, and other foods that you can eat any time skip these. This will save room for some of your favorite casseroles, entrees, and salads that you love that you have never tried before. When you eat less of the ordinary foods you may also have room left over for a small brownie treat as well.

Do not starve yourself until the time of the event where the food is served. One common misconception is that not eating until you arrive to a brunch or dinner affair is going to make you eat fewer calories. Often times the opposite is true. Many people end up eating more at the end of the day if they have not eaten at all earlier in the day. Furthermore, eating more than once a day is easier on a body’s digestive system than if a person eats a whole day’s worth of calories in one sitting.

Watch the amount of pasta and meats you place on your plate. Generally speaking most pasta servings are the size of a medium-sized fist, and the size of a meat serving is no larger than a deck of cards. Keep this in mind to get rid of belly fatbefore you plop a half a pound of steak cut or a huge helping of spaghetti on your plate.

Use the smaller plates or other dishes. If you use smaller plates you are less likely to overindulge. The rule should be one entrée plate and one salad plate. That is usually enough to fill up anyone at a dinner party or other celebration.

These are only some of the ways that you can control portions while attending special occasions and still get rid of belly fat. You can also carry a pocket nutrition guide to put you at ease before you start eating. Also, you can plan a certain amount of calories and/or fat for this outing as well.

Either that or you can consult a dietician that you trust to lead you down the right diet road. There is no end to the availability of information to those who are serious about losing weight and keeping it off.

Monday 29 September 2008

How To Lose Belly Fat With Walking

Walking is one of the easiest ways off how to lose belly fat because it is less strenuous than jogging. It is a better solution for those who have not exercised in a long time.

There are different types of walks that you can take in order to reduce your weight. The first is the casual lightweight walk, which is the leisurely type of walk. This type of walk is the least effective, however, and is the least likely of all the types of walking that will help you lose weight. It is a good place to start, and recommended for warm-up, but if you want to burn enough fat you have to try to pick up the pace as much as you can.

If you want to keep track of how many miles you have walked and how much fat and/or calories that you have burned, you can take a timer with you that will measure your performance. Another way you can keep track of the fat you burn is to walk on a treadmill. If you do not own a treadmill, you can sign up to use one at a gym.

Treadmills are a great way to walk, especially during the hottest days of summer because it is an exercise you can do indoors. This is ideal for those who risk the possibility of suffering heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. This is also a way to help keep you from becoming dehydrated, and is an alternative way for you to keep track of how many calories or fat you have burned.

If you keep track of your miles that you walk then you can figure out how many calories or fat grams that you have burned. This will help you plan your regular walking exercise routine. However, if you do not have an electronic way to keep track, you can figure it out mathematically. Formulas for figuring out how much fat you have burned can be found in numerous expert dieting books. You can also find this information out from your doctor.

Also, if some of your leg muscles feel sore the next day there is generally no need to worry. That is a good sign that you are working muscles you have not used before. Usually the soreness goes away the more you walk. However, make sure you still stretch before your walk, and slow down gradually when you are about to stop walking for the day.

If you follow all of the above tips regarding walking as your workout, you will lose weight. Not only that, but you and your body will feel great.

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Thursday 18 September 2008

How to lose belly fat and keep it off

If you want to know how to lose belly fat and are frustrated about not being able to keep your weight off, rest assured you are not alone. You are only one of millions in the United States who feel just as frustrated as you are, and wonder what to do.

First of all, when you consider weight loss programs, you have to remember that they can work for you. However, there is no substitute for exercise and balanced dieting no matter which diet plan you follow.

If the diet that you are considering makes claims of drastic changes of weight in an extremely short period of time such as “lose 50 pounds in less than a month” or similar, then you know the diet is most possibly either a hoax or one that could cause harm to your body, mind, and emotions.

One aspect not mentioned in this article yet about healthy dieting is that of exercise. Most healthy dieting plans also include provision for exercise, and encourage participants to plan an effective exercise programs. The purpose of exercise is to keep work your heart and muscles and to help burn fat. Exercise helps keep your body in ideal shape, or it helps it reach the ideal healthy state.

If you have heard of a diet plan that offers a remedy in which you can lose weight without exercise, you are usually advised by health professionals and personal fitness trainers to beware of these types of diets. Many people will recognize these diets as an easy solution to your problems; however the long-term effect is usually unknown or very unpredictable. Many people who use diet plans in which exercise is said to not be needed have a tendency to gain weight back of they are not careful.

Those who are chronically obese will often try a low carb diet in which they temporary reduce to almost nothing the amount of carbs that they consume. Then, they gradually add more carbs to their diet the further along they are in it. During this time they will find out how many carbs they can eat without gaining weight, and how they can continue to lose weight at a slow, steady rate.

There are quite a few options out there for those who want to know how to lose belly fat and keep it off.

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Wednesday 17 September 2008

How To Lose Stomach Fat With Rowing

Rowing can be a useful activity for how to lose stomach fat. You can find a variety of fitness and athletic activities that use the rowing or similar techniques. The following is a list and description of some very popular and fun rowing techniques:

Whitewater Rafting: This activity is even more of a rush than canoeing, and is often done in rapid flowing waters, sometimes over small waterfalls. You need to pay attention while rafting down one of these trails, or you could get caught in a rock or drift downstream so fast you may not even know where you are going. Not only that, but you may wind up overturning the raft if you are not careful. The constant rowing and steering needed while making your way down the rapids is a constant workout for your arms and upper body.

Skiing and Ski Machines: Skiing is not usually thought of as a rowing activity any more than swimming. However, the sweeping strokes that you make while you maneuver along a trail or while you coast downhill usually involve the same or similar muscles that you would use while swimming or rowing. These workouts are especially great for the upper body and to help you give your heart a proper workout. They will also help you shed pounds.

Rowing Machines: Most weight rooms and aerobic workout centers have rowing machines in them. These can be used followed by bicycling exercises to work both your arms and legs, and well as most of your upper body. If you engage in this activity at a fast enough pace you will burn quite a bit of calories and fat.

You can also participate in variations of these above exercises to both decrease body fat and to build muscles. The right combination of these exercises will help firm all of your muscles and you will look thinner than you have ever looked before. Remember to also participate in a proper dieting program in order for your exercise to be safe and effective.

However you choose how to lose belly fat and keep it off, you will benefit from your workout and lifestyle changes greatly.

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Tuesday 16 September 2008

How To Lose Belly Fat When Its Hard

If you've ever tried to find out how to lose belly fat, you know how difficult it can be to keep your motivation in full swing after a couple of weeks of hardcore dieting. There will always be setbacks. The best way to approach a weight loss regime is to understand that your motivation will sometimes wane, but that simply working through these difficult periods can result in great results. In other words, you should expect to fail sometimes. It is part of the process, but you should not let this from keeping you at a permanent impasse.

When you fall, dust yourself off, and get back in the saddle. You might want to consider making this your mantra for how to lose belly fat. Write it on a piece of paper in big bold letters and put it on your fridge: Get Back In the Saddle. Sure, this might make your guests scratch their heads, but you'll know what it means. In other words, expect that you won't always eat the right thing. That something will happen someday and you'll have to miss your planned workout. Many people use these temporary setbacks as an excuse to abandon their weight loss regime altogether. This is a big mistake! Even if you did indulge in that hot fudge sundae, that is no excuse to throw in the towel. Simply go back to the gym the next day, and work even harder.

Picture yourself thin. Everyone has old photographs that they find embarrassing. Use these cringe-inducing picks for a good cause. When you're feeling like all hope is lost, take out these old (or new) pictures and remember why you started your new healthier lifestyle in the first place. This idea could benefit from some pre-planning. If you suspect that somewhere along the line you will lack motivation, consider putting together a motivating picture album. Find the most unflattering pictures of yourself that you can find (yes, this process might be a tad painful), and compile them in a special album. Only take this album out on those most difficult occasions when you need a reminder of why you're committed to lose belly fat.

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Monday 15 September 2008

How To Lose Belly Fat: Fat Free Foods

If you want lose belly fat you need to beware of the amounts of foods labeled fat free have infiltrated the market at every turn. Fat free cheese, fat free chocolate, fat free ice cream, fat free dinner entrees and other foods labeled fat free have become regularly stocked merchandise in stores. These foods are indeed better for you. However, consuming these foods does not always result in a fat free body.

The reason why is people believe that these foods are fat free is because it says on these food labels “fat free” and it even says “0 grams of fat” on the nutrition label on the back of the package. However, this does not always mean that the item is fat free. This is because the fat free label may not necessarily represent all the kinds of fat that are in a food.

This does not mean that all foods that say they are fat free are not completely fat free. It just means that you have to watch very closely on each food label to see exactly what fat has been removed from the food so you know exactly what to expect when you eat it. You also need to be aware of the types of fat that are contained in food as well.

Saturated fats are found in most meats, dairy foods, and eggs. They can also be found in certain oils such as coconut, palm, and kernel oil. These are the types of fats that are solid at room temperatures.

Trans fats are fats that have been made into a solid or a partial solid. Therefore, even though trans fats are considered unsaturated they have become a concern because they have a similar function as the saturated fats in many cases. As stated earlier they have the potential to raise a person’s cholesterol level and to clog the arteries.

For lose belly fat, one other aspect of fat free that you will need to consider is that carbohydrates that are not used up by the body turn into fat as well. Therefore, even though a food item says “fat free” on the package you still need to eat it in moderation.

For the best results, you will want to incorporate a balanced diet that gives you the nutrients you need from day to day. That means that you should have a specific amount of grains, meats, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and fats in your diet (the amounts of each vary depending upon which diet you follow). This along with a regular exercise regiment that helps you burn fat will benefit you the most.

If you follow through daily to achieve lose belly fat with a regular diet and exercise plan you are likely to lose weight and keep it off.

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Friday 12 September 2008

How To Lose Belly Fat A Dress Size In A Week

How to lose belly fat is one of the most important ideas in American society today. People are constantly searching for a way to lose weight very quickly. Whether you want to fit into that dress for your date on Saturday night, or you just want to look good for your upcoming class reunion, there are a number of ways that you can lose weight rather quickly.

One good way to drop that dress size by next week is to add some water to your diet. This is a fairly good tip for any dieters, but losing weight fast means you should drink more water than you ever thought you could handle. The body retains four to six pounds of water on any given day. The body is, essentially, hoarding the water for some future use. Should you ever become incapacitated and not give your body the water it needs to survive, your body would have some reserves to live on. If, however, you give your body the water it needs on a regular basis, you will lose your water weight quite quickly. This will give you at least four pounds less on the scale when you get up to put your new dress on.

Another good way to lose that dress size by next Saturday night is to be sure to take in enough protein. Your body needs protein so it doesn't feel like it is starving. If your body feels like it is starving, it will begin hoarding pounds. All of these pounds will be converted into fat, no matter what you are eating. As a result, if you allow your body enough protein, you won't have that problem. You should consume protein every three hours. You should certainly try to get several ounces of protein before you go to sleep each night. There are several ways you can get the protein you need. Meat is an excellent source of protein. You should try to only purchase and eat lean cuts of meat. Poultry works well too. Beans and legumes are another great source of protein to add to your diet. Eggs are also a good source of protein. The chances of you getting sick of the traditional protein sources, though, are quite good during your week of intensive weight loss. As a result, it might be necessary to visit a nutritional supplement store or the supplement aisle of your local mega mart. A protein supplement of any kind, whether it be in bar, pill, or powder form, will help you out.

Another important how to lose belly fat is to eat lots of smaller meals during the day. If your normal day is structured around three meals each day, you should try to refocus it around five to six much smaller meals during the day. This will help you to take in fewer calories during the course of the day. Moreover, taking in fewer calories at any given time will help to stimulate your metabolism and help you burn off the calories you actually consume.

Be sure to exercise for at least thirty minutes each day. If you want to lose weight quickly, you should increase your time to a minimum of two hours each day. The only real way to lose weight is to burn the calories you take in. As a result, two hours of hard exercise each day should help to nullify the calories you have consumed during the course of the day.

It is important to remember that how to lose belly fat can only be achieved through hard work and true changes to your diet and lifestyle. The chances are quite good that if you lose a dress size within a single week, you will regain your weight within three weeks. As a result, if you truly want to keep the weight off, you have some serious changes to make in your life.

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